Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shop Till You Drop & Say Good-Bye to Manya Krobo

Today we began by shopping until we didn't have any more of one or more of the following: money, limbs to carry items, or energy to carry on. We shopped at Tete Quashe which has become affectionately referred to as squishy-squashy. Prized items and souvenirs such as paintings, carvings, knives, games, hand carved bowls, jewelry, Ghanaian clothing, and of course lots of drums made it aboard the bus several hours later. Yet, it wouldn't be a complete adventure without Amanda being attacked by a wandering monkey that belonged to the shop keeper. No blood was drawn, so she is safe from rabies- at least for now.The monkey did manage to take a bite of her pants.
                                                          Brayden's fabulous Ghanaian attire
After shopping, we jumped on the bus and prepared ourselves for our two and a half hour bus ride to Kpong,  Manya Krobo. There we had a wonderful experience that started on an off beat note. We arrived 1/2 hour late, which is normal for our trips outside of the city due to road conditions, traffic, and construction. However, when we arrived our designated group to teach was no where to be found. Slowly but surely a motley crew arrived ranging in age and ability to comprehend English. It was our first time teaching HIV education with  full-blown translators, the great Samuel and of course his trusty side kick Eric.

It turned out to be a great experience! We weren't able to collect research, which made today our last day to travel out to Manya Krobo, but we had a great time interacting with them. They were very responsive to our comments and information after Samuel or Eric provided animated translations. We had a great turn out, people from the community just stopped by to listen as they were walking, children were all around intrigued by our message and our cameras! They loved getting their pictures taken.

We had a vivid lesson on condom use, all teachers, participants, and on lookers thoroughly enjoyed our discussion and Vana (Lynley) White's demonstration of proper condom application to a wooden penis. A demonstration of the proper use of a female condom also perused. It was a wonderful way to end our trips to Manya Krobo. The pictures of us teaching are having a hard time uploading, we'll have to try it again.

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