Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 6! Manya Krobo

 In the morning we started at the Gray Memorial school teaching our individual classes.  The younger students line up before class to pray and march their way into their classrooms.
 We often get to play games with the children.  Today's award for best participant goes to Mindy for playing an intense version of an up beat follow the leader which involved butterflies or bluebirds or peanut butter, (sometimes it is very hard to understand what they are saying)
 Cameron and Dr. Rowan making the face you tell cab drivers to get to the local Koala.  Dr. Rowan did it the first day and it stuck!
 Cameron and the amazing Samwell.  Samwell is the public health director of the area and the one we worked with when we went to Manya Krobo to teach the HIV/AIDS lessons to the girls college.
 This is Hilary and Ashlee giving their lesson to the girls in Manya Krobo.  Their lesson was on the myths of contracting HIV.
 Megan giving a lesson on the ABC's of AIDS prevention.  They stand for abstinence, be faithful, condom use. 
 The Burtons (the married couple) giving a great lesson on what it means to be faithful, it was a good lesson for them because they are married.
During the Burtons lesson on being faithful Mindy got up and gave great personal life experiences about what it means to her to have a faithful husband and be faithful to her husband and how that affects a family.

Had an amazing and tiring day and looking forward to going back to Manya Krobo to finish up the lesson, they are amazing girls!

-Written by Cameron

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! I am so glad you guys are posting this blog!
